Monday, June 21, 2010

I think it's time for an update!!

So Aurelia started her Pretty Pretty Princess camp today and had so much fun! I think I'm going to enroll her in their Giggle Time (sort of like preschool) this Fall. They will do lots of arts and crafts, dance, tumbling, etc. I think this may be the best option for us instead of sending her to all day day care. The Giggle Time is twice a week for 2 1/2 so 5 hours/week.

Tilden is growing and growing. He is now 6 months! I can't believe it! After 4 months ofconstant drooling he is finally starting to get teeth! 2 bottom teeth! You wouldn't even know he is teething! Heis still happy as can be! The only difference is he wants to be held more than usual. Completely understandable! :)

Nickolas got promoted at work! This will bea great help to us! Hopefully we will be able to finish our house soon!

We are all going to South Naknek on Friday! I can't wait! It's been 2 years since I have been home!

Hope everyone is having a great summer!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hello Blogging World!

So I have decided to start a blog to get my thoughts out. Sometimes it's hard when you are with a 3 year old and a 5 month old! But I love that I am able to stay home with them!

Thoughts of the day:
1. I'm addicted to!
2. I have a love hate relationship with my boobs! I love that I have a lot of freedom with breast-feeding because they are so big but it's a little ridiculous when you are running to answer the phone and you have to hold them down to keep them from hitting you in the face!
3. I can't wait until Tilden starts to walk! I know he is only 5 months old (in 5 days) but I'm excited for him to walk already! Aurelia started walking at 8 months exactly so I know it's not impossible! He is rolling over back to stomach now and can spin himself.
4. I'm super excited that I'm going to The Sex & the City Party II on May 27! It should be a nice evening!
5. Nickolas and I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary on May 29th! Since we never went on a honeymoon we were planning on going somewhere for our 5 year, but a house and 2 kids later, that is no longer a reality! But I am glad we have a nice home to raise them in!

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there will be more to come.